The Music of Slow Boil Rising

To me, writing and music are completely intertwined. The process of writing Slow Boil Rising was no exception to this proposition.

With that in mind, I am going to start a series of blog posts highlighting some of the music I listened to for inspiration while writing the novel. This also happens to be music I recommend listening to while reading it!

Now, much of the plot in Slow Boil transpires out in the "Great Not-East" as it is called in the year 0039. And much of the plot feels and smells like a grainy cowboy flick from the 1960s with a bunch of guys in hats riding horses and chasing after treasure or bad guys or revenge. That the plot has that grainy, arid texture in places is no accident, because I frickin' love Spaghetti Westerns. 

So in this first musical post, let's cover the Spaghetti Western aspect of Slow Boil.

A good rule of thumb is if El Asno or Beetle Johnschild appear on the page, this music was cranking in the background!

(And a brief timing update, things are looking very good for a mid-August release. Cover design and copy edit are both proceeding nicely!)